Results for 'John Muhumuza Kakitahi'

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  1.  28
    Walter Benjamin and the Antinomies of Tradition.John McCole - 2018 - Cornell University Press.
    Few modern thinkers have been as convinced of the necessity of recovering the past in order to redeem the present as Walter Benjamin (1892-1940). Benjamin at once mourned and celebrated what he took to be an inevitable liquidation of traditional culture, and his determination to think both of these attitudes through to their conclusions lends his work its peculiar honesty, along with its paradoxical, antinomial coherence. In a landmark interpretation of the whole of Benjamin's career, John McCole demonstrates a (...)
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    Opinion and Reform in Hume's Political Philosophy.John Benjamin Stewart - 1992 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    "The picture of Hume clinging timidly to a raft of custom and artifice, because, poor skeptic, he has no alternative, is wrong," writes John Stewart. "Hume was confident that by experience and reflection philosophers can achieve true principles." In this revisionary work Stewart surveys all of David Hume's major writings to reveal him as a liberal moral and political philosopher. Against the background of seventeenth-and eighteenth-century history and thought, Hume emerges as a proponent not of conservatism but of reform. (...)
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    Preface to the Philosophy of Education.John Wilson - 1979 - Boston: Routledge.
    It is sometimes said that the philosophy of education is not a serious and coherent philosophical area of inquiry. John Wilson examines this argument, taking it as the starting point for his book. He believes that most 'philosophy of education' until now has been little more than the promotion of particular ideologies, and that progress can be made only by a more analytical approach. The central problems lies in establishing a few basic concepts, principles and categories and questions which (...)
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  4. How to Derive “Ought” from “Is” Revisited.John R. Searle - 2021 - In Paolo Di Lucia & Edoardo Fittipaldi, Revisiting Searle on Deriving “Ought” From “Is”. Springer Verlag. pp. 3-16.
    In his seminal article “How to Derive ‘Ought’ from ‘Is’,” which was published in 1964, John R. Searle offered a counterexample to Hume’s law. Here, Searle reconstructs the historical context in which that article appeared, when the task of moral philosophers—especially in the Anglophone world—was supposed to be metaethics, which aims to describe the use of ethical terms and their logical behavior. Searle stands by the validity of his derivation, and in light of his subsequent philosophical developments—notably his social (...)
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    Being and freedom: on late modern ethics in Europe.John Skorupski - 2021 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    "Being and Freedom is an account of ethics in Europe from the French Revolution: a phase of philosophical ethics whose influence ran far beyond philosophy, eventually dominating politics and religion in the West. Developments came from France, Germany, and Britain. This book is currently the only study that treats them together as a Europe-wide phenomenon. The first chapter covers the philosophical conflict at the heart of the French Revolution, between the individualism of the Enlightenment and two very different forms of (...)
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    Barth's ethics of reconciliation.John Webster - 1995 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    John Webster provides a major scholarly analysis, the first in any language, of the final sections of the Church Dogmatics. He focuses on the theme of human agency in Barth's late ethics and doctrine of baptism, placing the discussion in the context of an interpretation of the Dogmatics as an intrinsically ethical dogmatics. The first two chapters survey the themes of agency, covenant and human reality in the Dogmatics as a whole; later chapters give a thorough analysis of Church (...)
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    The Public and Private Morality of Climate Change: Symposium on the Tanner Lecture on Human Values.John Broome, William Nordhaus & Arun Agrawa - unknown
    Commentators on John Broome's Tanner Lecture. The Tanner Lectures are a collection of educational and scientific discussions relating to human values. Conducted by leaders in their fields, the lectures are presented at prestigious educational facilities around the world.
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    Clinical Bioethics at NIH: History and A New Vision.John C. Fletcher - 1995 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 5 (4):355-364.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Clinical Bioethics at NIH:History and A New VisionJohn C. Fletcher (bio)On July 3, 1995, Dr. John I. Gallin, Director of the Magnuson Clinical Center of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), convened a one-day "Conference on the Future of Clinical Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health Intramural Program." Conferees included NIH officials and a panel of consultants from bioethics programs around the nation.1 The subject was the (...)
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  9.  26
    Ends and Means in Policing.John Kleinig - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    Policing is a highly pragmatic occupation. It is designed to achieve the important social ends of peacekeeping and public safety, and is empowered to do so using means that are ordinarily seen as problematic; that is, the use of force, deception, and invasions of privacy, along with considerable discretion. It is often suggested that the ends of policing justify the use of otherwise problematic means, but do they? This book explores this question from a philosophical perspective. The relationship between ends (...)
  10. John Elkington, Cannibals With Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business.John Elkington - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 23 (2):229-231.
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    Hume's Argument Concerning the Idea of Existence.John Bricke - 1991 - Hume Studies 17 (2):161-166.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume's Argument Concerning the Idea of Existence John Bricke In"Hume on the IdeaofExistence"1Phillip Cumminsoffers anintricate and intriguing analysis of Hume's brief argument, at Treatise 1.2.6, concerning the idea ofexistence, an analysis that is, one wants to say, surely right on many of the essentials. He says relatively little, however, about a number of more preliminary matters, matters pertinent to the first of the several components he distinguishes in (...)
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  12. Symposium on Another Mind-Body Problem.John Harfouch - 2020 - Syndicate.
    John Harfouch’s new book, Another Mind-Body Problem: A History of Racial Non-Being, argues that Immanuel Kant, widely considered the most influential philosopher of the modern period, is the first to claim the lives of non-white people are redundant and worthless. He articulates this through a metaphysics of minds and bodies that ultimately transforms the meaning of philosophy’s mind-body problem. A mind-body problem in the Kantian tradition is not a problem of how minds and bodies interact or brain states give (...)
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  13. The political thought of John Locke: an historical account of the argument of the 'Two treatises of government'.John Dunn - 1969 - London,: Cambridge University Press.
    This study provides a comprehensive reinterpretation of the meaning of Locke's political thought. John Dunn restores Locke's ideas to their exact context, and so stresses the historical question of what Locke in the Two Treatises of Government was intending to claim. By adopting this approach, he reveals the predominantly theological character of all Locke's thinking about politics and provides a convincing analysis of the development of Locke's thought. In a polemical concluding section, John Dunn argues that liberal and (...)
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  14. John Stuart Mill.John Skorupski - 1989 - New York: Routledge.
    This book is available either individually, or as part of the specially-priced Arguments of the Philosphers Collection.
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  15. Holy Scripture: A Dogmatic Sketch.John Webster - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    May we speak, in the present age, of holy scripture? And what validation of that claim can be offered, robust enough to hold good for both religious practice and intellectual enquiry? John Webster argues that while any understanding of scripture must subject it to proper textual and historical interrogation, it is necessary at the same time to acknowledge the special character of scriptural writing. His 2003 book is an exercise in Christian dogmatics, a loud reaffirmation of the triune God (...)
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  16.  33
    Dasein disclosed: John Haugeland's Heidegger.John Haugeland - 2013 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Edited by Joseph Rouse.
    At his death in 2010, the Anglo-American analytic philosopher John Haugeland left an unfinished manuscript summarizing his life-long engagement with Heidegger’s Being and Time. As illuminating as it is iconoclastic, Dasein Disclosed is not just Haugeland’s Heidegger—this sweeping reevaluation is a major contribution to philosophy in its own right.
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    Recollections of logicians, mathematicians and philosophers.John L. Bell - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (6):1232-1250.
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    The Pocket Stoic.John Sellars - 2019 - Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
    To counter the daily anxieties, stress, and emotional swings caused by the barrage of stimuli that plagues modern life, many people have been finding unexpected solace in a philosophy from a very different and distant time: Stoicism. As John Sellars shows in The Pocket Stoic, the popular image of the isolated and unfeeling Stoic hardly does justice to the rich vein of thought that we find in the work of Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius, the three great Roman Stoics. (...)
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  19. Questioning the role of enchantment for the new evangelisation.John Francis Collins & Carroll - 2013 - The Australasian Catholic Record 90 (2):196.
    Collins, John Francis; Carroll, Sandra In the April 2012 edition of The Australasian Catholic Record John Duiker presented a useful overview and history of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal titled 'Spreading the Culture of Pentecost in the Midst of Disenchantment.' According to Duiker the CCR as an ecclesial movement 'has its origins in a retreat that was held at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the USA in February 1967.' Describing this event as a Pentecost experience Duiker writes that (...)
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    The Olympian Dreams and Youthful Rebellion of Rent Descartes.John Richard Cole - 1992 - University of Illinois Press.
    Rene Descartes's motto challenges his would-be historians: "He lives well who hides well." He hid even in the Discourse on Method, where he professed to recount the story of his "entire life, " but said almost nothing about his childhood and youth. He mentioned neither family nor friends, and he boasted a total freedom from irrational passions. In the Discourse, which presented a new way of achieving certain truth through mathematical reason, Descartes stressed just one event, a day of thinking (...)
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    Fundamental Tax Reform: Issues, Choices, and Implications.John W. Diamond & George R. Zodrow (eds.) - 2008 - MIT Press.
    Reform of the federal income tax system has become a perennial item on the domestic policy agenda of the United States, although there is considerable uncertainty over specifics. Indeed the recent report of the President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform recommended not one but two divergent policy directions. In Fundamental Tax Reform, top experts in tax policy discuss a wide range of issues raised by the prospect of significant tax reform, identifying the most critical questions and considering whether the (...)
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  22.  29
    John Locke, An essay concerning human understanding in focus.Gary Fuller, Robert Stecker & John P. Wright (eds.) - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding is among the most important books in philosophy ever written. It is a difficult work dealing with many themes, including the origin of ideas; the extent and limits of human knowledge; the philosophy of perception; and religion and morality. This volume focuses on the last two topics and provides a clear and insightful survey of these overlooked aspects of Locke's best-known work. Four eminent Locke scholars present authoritative discussions of Locke's view on the (...)
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  23.  67
    Theory, Realism and Common Sense: A reply to Paul Churchland.1.John Haldane - 1993 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 93 (1):321-328.
    John Haldane; Theory, Realism and Common Sense: A reply to Paul Churchland.1, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 93, Issue 1, 1 June 1993, Pages 32.
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  24.  22
    Budziszewski on Natural Law, Conscience, and Atheism.John P. Hittinger - 2017 - Catholic Social Science Review 22:3-13.
    This article raises several questions concerning J. Budziszewski’s excellent scholarship on the topic of conscience. In particular, by drawing on the writings of Thomas Aquinas, Pope St. John Paul II, and Pope Benedict XVI, it asks whether Budziszewski’s claims concerning atheism and conscience are correct, and offers the concept as a corrective to the deficiencies of the concept.
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    Advanced introduction to business ethics.John Hooker - 2021 - Northampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world's leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas. This concise and engaging Advanced Introduction provides the conceptual tools necessary to make ethical decisions in today's business world. John Hooker provides an objective and closely-reasoned analysis of ethical issues based on (...)
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  26.  15
    Not in his image: gnostic vision, sacred ecology, and the future of belief.John Lamb Lash - 2021 - White River Junction, Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing.
    “Lash is capable of explaining the mind-bending concepts of Gnosticism and pagan mystery cults with bracing clarity and startling insight.... [His] arguments are often lively and entertaining.”—Los Angeles Times Fully revised and with a new preface by the author, this timely update is perfect for readers of The Immortality Key. Since its initial release to wide acclaim in 2006, Not in His Image has transformed the lives of readers around the world by presenting the living presence of the Wisdom Goddess (...)
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    Fiction as Knowledge: The Modern Post-Romantic Novel.John McCormick - 1999 - Routledge.
    In 'Fiction as Knowledge', John McCormick proposes that much of the vitality of modern fiction derives from romantic conceptions of history. He demonstrates the vitality of the romantic impulse in the work of seven major novelists.
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    Six Radical Thinkers: Bentham, J. S. Mill, Cobden, Carlyle, Mazzini, T. H. Green.John Mccunn - 1908 - Philosophical Review 17 (3):347-348.
  29.  21
    Trauma and the Ontology of the Modern Subject: Historical Studies in Philosophy, Psychology, and Psychoanalysis.John L. Roberts & Kareen R. Malone - 2017 - Routledge.
    Recent scholarship has inquired into the socio-historical, discursive genesis of trauma. Trauma and the Ontology of the Modern Subject, however, seeks what has not been actualized in trauma studies - that is, how the necessity and unassailable intensity of trauma is fastened to its historical emergence. We must ask not only what trauma means for the individual person's biography, but also what it means to be the historical subject of trauma. In other words, how does being human in this current (...)
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  30.  18
    On beauty and measure: Plato's Symposium and Statesman.John Sallis - 2021 - Bloomington, Indiana, USA: Indiana University Press. Edited by S. Montgomery Ewegen.
    On Beauty and Measure features renowned philosopher John Sallis' commentaries on Plato's dialogues the Symposium and the Statesman. Drawn from two lecture courses delivered by Sallis, they represent his longest and most sustained engagement to date with either work. Brilliantly original, Sallis's close readings of Plato's dialogues are grounded in the original passages and also illuminate the overarching themes that drive the dialogues.
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    Rousseau’s Reader: Strategies of Persuasion and Education.John T. Scott - 2020 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    On his famous walk to Vincennes to visit the imprisoned Diderot, Rousseau had what he called an “illumination”—the realization that man was naturally good but becomes corrupted by the influence of society—a fundamental change in Rousseau’s perspective that would animate all of his subsequent works. At that moment, Rousseau “saw” something he had hitherto not seen, and he made it his mission to help his readers share that vision through an array of rhetorical and literary techniques. In Rousseau’s Reader, (...) T. Scott looks at the different strategies Rousseau used to engage and persuade the readers of his major philosophical works, including the Social Contract, Discourse on Inequality, and Emile. Considering choice of genre; textual structure; frontispieces and illustrations; shifting authorial and narrative voice; addresses to readers that alternately invite and challenge; apostrophe, metaphor, and other literary devices; and, of course, paradox, Scott explores how the form of Rousseau’s writing relates to the content of his thought and vice versa. Through this skillful interplay of form and content, Rousseau engages in a profoundly transformative dialogue with his readers. While most political philosophers have focused, understandably, on Rousseau’s ideas, Scott shows convincingly that the way he conveyed them is also of vital importance, especially given Rousseau’s enduring interest in education. Giving readers the key to Rousseau’s style, Scott offers fresh and original insights into the relationship between the substance of his thought and his literary and rhetorical techniques, which enhance our understanding of Rousseau’s project and the audiences he intended to reach. (shrink)
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    Into the Heart of European Poetry.John Taylor - 2008 - Routledge.
    John Taylor's brilliant new book examines the work of many of the major poets who have deeply marked modern and contemporary European literature. Venturing far and wide from the France in which he has lived since the late 1970s, the polyglot writer-critic not only delves into the more widely translated literatures of Italy, Greece, Germany, and Austria, but also discovers impressive and overlooked work in Slovenia, Bosnia, Hungary, Finland, Norway, and the Netherlands in this book that ranges over nearly (...)
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    X—Constructivity, Consistency, and Natural Languages.John Tucker - 1967 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 67 (1):145-168.
    John Tucker; X—Constructivity, Consistency, and Natural Languages, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 67, Issue 1, 1 June 1967, Pages 145–168, http.
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    Barth's moral theology: human action in Barth's thought.John Webster - 1998 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans.
    This Book is an important study of Barth's theology of human action, arguing that Barth's work cannot be properly understood unless his interest in human agency is fully appreciated. Throughout, Professor John Webster demonstrates the contemporary vitality of the style and content of Barth's theology. Many of the studies introduce posthumous texts by Barth which have so far received little attention (such as his lectures on Calvin and his ethics lectures), but which substantially revise the received views of Barth's (...)
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  35. John Dewey on Education: Selected Writings.John Dewey - 1974
    In this collection, Reginald D. Archambault has assembled John Dewey's major writings on education. He has also included basic statements of Dewey's philosophic position that are relevant to understanding his educational views. These selections are useful not only for understanding Dewey's pedagogical principles, but for illustrating the important relation between his educational theory and the principles of his general philosophy.
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  36. The Philosophy of John Dewey.John Dewey & John J. McDermott - 1973 - La Salle, Ill.: University of Chicago Press. Edited by John J. McDermott.
    This is an extensive anthology of the writings of John Dewey, edited by John J. McDermott.
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  37. I—John Dupré: Living Causes.John Dupré - 2013 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 87 (1):19-37.
    This paper considers the applicability of standard accounts of causation to living systems. In particular it examines critically the increasing tendency to equate causal explanation with the identification of a mechanism. A range of differences between living systems and paradigm mechanisms are identified and discussed. While in principle it might be possible to accommodate an account of mechanism to these features, the attempt to do so risks reducing the idea of a mechanism to vacuity. It is proposed that the solution (...)
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  38.  47
    John McDowell: Reason and Nature : Lecture and Colloquium in Münster 1999.John Henry Mcdowell & Marcus Willaschek - 2000 - Lit Verlag.
    " John McDowell is one of the most influential philosophers writing today. His work, ranging from interpretations of Plato and Aristotle to Davidsonian semantics, from ethics to epistemology and the philosophy of mind, has set the agenda for many recent philosophical debates. This volume contains the proceedings of the third Münsteraner Vorlesungen zur Philosophie which McDowell delivered in 1999: A lecture, entitled ""Experiencing the World"", introduces into the set of ideas McDowell developed in his groundbreaking book Mind and World. (...)
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  39. John Gray and the Political Theory of Modus Vivendi.John Horton - 2006 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 9 (2):155-169.
    (2006). John Gray and the Political Theory of Modus Vivendi. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy: Vol. 9, The Political Theory of John Gray, pp. 155-169.
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  40. John Dewey’s Theory of Art, Experience and Nature: The Horizons of Feeling.John Dewey & Thomas M. Alexander - 1987 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 24 (2):293-301.
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    John Locke - The Reasonableness of Christianity.John Locke - 1946 - Clarendon Press.
    n 1695 John Locke published The Reasonableness of Christianity, an enquiry into the foundations of Christian belief. He did so anonymously, to avoid public involvement in the fiercely partisan religious controversies of the day. In the Reasonableness Locke considered what it was to which allChristians must assent in faith; he argued that the answer could be found by anyone for themselves in the divine revelation of Scripture alone. He maintained that the requirements of Scripture were few and simple, and (...)
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  42. Reasons and motivation: John Broome.John Broome - 1997 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 71 (1):131–146.
    Derek Parfit takes an externalist and cognitivist view about normative reasons. I shall explore this view and add some arguments that support it. But I shall also raise a doubt about it at the end.
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  43. John Locke: resistance, religion, and responsibility.John Marshall - 1994 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A major account of the development of the political, religious, social and moral thought of John Locke.
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    The Library of John Locke.John Locke, John R. Harrison & Peter Laslett - 1971 - Published for the Oxford Bibliographical Society by the Oxford University Press.
  45.  18
    John Gregory's Writings on Medical Ethics and Philosophy of Medicine.John Gregory & Laurence B. McCullough - 1998 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume reprints in a scholar's edition the first English-language texts on bioethics, John Gregory's (1724-1773) Observations on the Duties and Offices of a Physician and on the Method of Prosecuting Enquiries in Philosophy (London, 1770) and Lectures on the Duties and Qualifications of a Physician (London, 1772). Five previously unpublished manuscripts of Gregory's lectures are also included. An introduction places Gregory's medical ethics and philosophy of medicine in their eighteenth-century contexts of Scottish Enlightenment history and culture, Baconian science (...)
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    (1 other version)The Clarendon Edition of the Works of John Locke: Some Thoughts Concerning Education.John Locke - 1889 - Wentworth Press.
    A scholarly edition of The Clarendon Edition of the Works of John Locke: Some Thoughts Concerning Education by John W. Yolton and Jean S. Yolton. The edition presents an authoritative text, together with an introduction, commentary notes, and scholarly apparatus.
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  47. II—John Hawthorne: Some Comments on Fricker's‘Stating and Insinuating’.John Hawthorne - 2012 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 86 (1):95-108.
    This discussion piece critically examines some of the key ideology that figures in Elizabeth Fricker's ‘Stating and Insinuating’, raises a number of queries about the details of Fricker's argumentation, and develops some ideas about the normative structure of testimony that relate to the themes of that paper.
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  48. John Clarke of Hull's Argument for Psychological Egoism.John J. Tilley - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (1):69-89.
    John Clarke of Hull, one of the eighteenth century's staunchest proponents of psychological egoism, defended that theory in his Foundation of Morality in Theory and Practice. He did so mainly by opposing the objections to egoism in the first two editions of Francis Hutcheson's Inquiry into Virtue. But Clarke also produced a challenging, direct argument for egoism which, regrettably, has received virtually no scholarly attention. In this paper I give it some of the attention it merits. In addition to (...)
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    John Hick: An Autobiography.John Hick - 2005 - Oneworld Publications.
    From Yorkshire schoolboy to philosopher and theologian of International renown, John Hick tells his life story in this warm and absorbing autobiography. Painting a vivid picture of Twentieth-century soceity, from 1950s America to racial tensions in England and in apartheid-era South Africa, he recounts the events that have shaped his life, including his early conversion to evangelical Christianity, his role as a conscientious objector in the Second World War, and his gradual often controversial- move towards a religious pluralism embracing (...)
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  50. John Searle and His Critics.John R. Searle - 1991 - Cambridge: Blackwell.
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